The classification of scientific disciplines

Traditionally–going back to the classics of Ancient Greece–the classification was based on the subject of study such as zoology, psychology, physics, chemistry etc.

In this century most studies are multi-disciplinary and a new system of classification of sciences is very necessary. The first thing one should take into account now is not the subject but the scientist, the mind of the scientist is the primary concern.

These scientific minds are attached to bodies that drive cars etc. and need money, these bodies carry IDs and are subject to governments and other pressure groups.

Most scientific endeavors are multi-disciplinary, therefore the key classification of science now becomes:

A) Public Science

this is what is done and published by independent individuals, scientists at universities and is published in books that can be found in the public domain, moderately financed. It is what one sees in such magazins as New Scientist, Scientific American etc.

B) Private Science

this is the advanced science and research known and done by scientists of the military, governmental, ‘national security’ guarded establishments and/or contractors, it is highly protected and secret and there are no known limits to funding.

One could also say there are free scientists and ‘captive’ scientists. Some scientists are free in the start of their careers and cease to be so. Victor Schauberger, who was forced to work for the Nazis was a typical example. There are also scientists who self-determinedly choose to work for governments, some captive scientists are posing as free scientists, just as is the case with their journalistic colleagues. And there are fortunately still a few advanced scientists, usually not main stream, who made it anyway into the public domain.

But keep the above separation in science in mind, it is symptomatic of the contemporary competitive culture on Earth.

de Nada


A science project that ought to be done

Science is the consideration and action of forming conceptual systems of comprehension of different aspects of reality. Sciences are systematic conceptualizations. If we manage to put together such a framework for the vastness of what can be grouped under the heading of spirituality, we have a science.

A scientific dream project would be the following (rough sketch only)

  • Collect all data ever written or spoken or demonstrated on the subject of consciousness, the mind and spirit. Certainly including religion and not limited of course to psychology or para-psychology either.
  • Categorize these data in various ways and determine the frequencies of the keywords and concepts. List these in order of frequency.
  • The first level of categorization would be for example verified facts, theories or models, religious beliefs, anecdotal evidences, descriptions of phenomena, structural data, definitions.
  • Then sift out contradictory data, omitted definitions and/or invalid conclusions or  investigate further.
  • Find the common denominators and list the points on which they all agree.
  • Determine which of the theories or which consistent model provides the greatest amount of integration of data and evidence.
  • Or find the common denominators, sort out the contradictions and construct a new theory that accommodates all of the facts and observations and unifies all other data collected above.
  • Publish the result

NB: A subproject that might even have to preceed the above, would be to develop an ISO type standardized terminology and other standards in the field of consciousness, mind and spirit.

Another science project that ought to be done

Investigate the psychological makeup of scientists in relation to their theories. Find out if there is a correlation between personality characteristics and test scores and the type of theories they support. If the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics is correct there should be. Incidentally the same could be done for politicians, in relation to their politics.

The God Connection & Physics

the God Connection through the eyes of a physicist

this was a contribution by Dr. Noel Huntley, written just before the Congress in May 2013

The ‘God connection’ will occur quite naturally to the degree of the understanding of what we mean by ‘God’. However, a merely objective understanding will not achieve this without subjective experiential familiarity. Nevertheless, since we have to use objective forms for communications, such as words, maths, graphs, etc. a good objective (and therefore potentially scientific and logical) description is the appropriate option.

Fractals is the first powerful approach to revealing the Source, and the simple tree example is recommended (twigs to branches to larger branches to one whole in the centre, the trunk—these are fractal levels)—remove the leaves for convenience. Within science there is recognition of the ubiquitous nature of fractals (it might be considered the greatest discovery in science and mathematics). But scientists (mainstream) haven’t used this knowledge to describe the structure of the universe (or multiverse of many universes). The fractal hierarchy is structured internally but we usually diagram it vertically. The holographic aspect reveals better the internal or inner nature, which is the ‘within’ of Christ’s teachings. But the true geometry is ‘spheres within spheres’. These spheres are pairs of higher dimensional vortices.

Briefly, the fractal path from 3D to Source would be through the centre of natural bodies such as atoms, planets, stars, etc.—the centre of the (double vortex) atom would internally connect to the centre of the planet; then star, galaxy, universe and back to Source. This is higher-dimensional geometry; one may see why it is not generally taught, in particular, it also reveals the free-energy source.

Our 3D universe is at the twig level in this fractal tree model. These universe fractal layers present an ordered structure of dimensions, ranging from low orders to high (e.g., large branches), and between these fixed divisions there is randomness for free play and choices to be made. This gives the immediate clues that the origination began at the top (the ‘top-down’ as opposed to the ‘bottom-up’ theory). A fractal system, or in this case the tree, begins at the trunk (in effect) and does not grow from the twig. What else does this tell us?

It tells us that the true basic intelligence is within creation/nature and true evolution. It is degree of order. Our society only recognises the IQ testing procedure, which is one form of intelligence—there are many. These are all subsets of the fundamental intelligence of order. In addition to intelligence, it is interesting to note that the fractal universe is presenting us (in a simple objective language format) with the true nature of the highest level of art (organisation within organisation within organisation, etc.); already spelled out for us and in fact puts to shame our failures to day of what art is. Also this is what ‘holy’ or ‘holiness’ means in religion (greater wholes, order, unity, integration). Consciousness projects into the universe fractal levels, like splitting up white light by means of a prism into its spectrum of colours, for the exploration of consciousness in different dimensional levels of orders and limitations for the evolution/ascension of the species to higher orders and return to Source.

As we link this with the objective/subjective principle we see that increasing order runs parallel with increasing integration, frequency (rate of information), and subjective/objective ratio. This is all increase in ‘intelligence’. Our 3D has a high coefficient of objectivity. As we look around, the environment appears totally separate from us and nothing to do with us—we could even get killed by it (such as in a tree fall). If we moved up the fractal hierarchy of universe layers to the next one, say, twig to branch, this would be the soul level. As we now look at the environment and act in it, it would be clear that the subjective/objective ratio has increased and that part of our mind appears to be ‘in’ the environment, that is, it can influence it, certainly for the better if that is what one chooses (e.g., by positive synchronicity).

Scientists are desperately trying to prove that life came from matter, that is, the higher order came from a lower order or randomness. This is logically unsound; there must be initial guidelines such as rules, blueprints, manifestation templates. The big problem to science is that when one has an explanation for something that is potentially hierarchical it can go into an infinite regression (causes behind causes). But we can see that the fractal system doesn’t. It has a natural end; the greatest integration or unity, a single state.

When we test out this approach what is at the top? We require an Absolute, otherwise we go into infinite regression looking for the primary cause. The Absolute must be beyond any shape, preference, bias, no dualism (must pass all the tests of truth in physics). There must be no particle, wavelength, frequency patterns, and of course (a natural consequence of the latter) no space or time. It is eternal— just a ‘thereness’ of infinite potential, in fact, not so far from the quantum realm of infinite possibilities of modern physics. It must be 100% subjective, which means no separation, just one whole and nothing outside it. It cannot have both conscious and unconscious (since that implies separation). Thus there is no unconsciousness.

When creation takes place, if that creation is to be given its separate reality, the Source must divide in some manner. This would be the first degree of objectivity (slight). To prevent merging back there must be a counteraction and the first glimmering of energy could be considered to appear—two opposing flows, the essence of mass. Compare water vapour being compressed and condensed into water or frozen into ice (a solid)—there is no dualism. The Source must retain its initial state, otherwise the fractal dimensional hierarchy cannot be manifested. This means we now have two levels. The ‘lower’ one can divide further (like the tree trunk projecting out a few large branches, then they project out smaller ones, etc.). How can this be achieved from a single source? It must create and project a ‘not-know’ on the objective component. But this will only exist on the lower level. We now have a small degree of objectivity and unconsciousness (but which would immediately disappear if the second level quantum leaps back to the first). However, the reduction to lower levels and multiplication of parts can continue, the lower levels becoming further away from Source—creating more finite conditions.

Let us use the ocean analogy to show how ‘substantial’ the Absolute is. Picture the ocean everywhere (all space) with wave patterns, whirls or whirlpools, etc. This model was used for the universe by leading quantum physicists and visionary scientists, who still subscribe to it. The ocean represents the all-encompassing space of the aether (proposed by scientists to carry electromagnetic waves). Since Einstein and colleagues couldn’t make this all-pervading aether covariant, the introduction of relativity enabled them to drop the notion (a disaster). For example, a small whorl in the surface (energy spinning out of 3D or into the ‘within’) was an electron. Note Schrodinger’s statement that all bodies/objects are like shapes and variations in the structure of space. If we now consider removing all energy and matter, that is, removing all waves and modulations of the ocean (Absolute), we do not have nothing left but in fact the whole basis of existences. This Absolute will contain the non-quantifiable, non-quantitative states, such as sentience/consciousness, the experiential, the essence of aliveness, and thus is very substantial. Thus there is no difference in the consciousness within an atom, a dog, or a human; only the quantity and formatting (programming) of the frequency patterns. Thus with this theory the ‘quantity’ of the Absolute, whether for an atom or human, is ‘framed’ by means of a template and can function separately to the degree of the fractalisation (branches to twigs).

Why doesn’t science detect the higher ‘spiritual’ levels? This is because science exclusively uses the experimental method of physical senses and scientific instruments, which are of relatively low order (low resolution) and unwittingly causes (secondary) collapse from a higher order/coherent state to lower, resulting in the most de-graded solutions to life’s most important issues (e.g., Big Bang theory). In spite of that, computer scientists are searching for coherent states and how to preserve them without collapsing the wave, in order to develop the quantum computer to utilise the quantum realm to compute on many states simultaneously.

Thus removing all energy and matter all the way to the highest levels of dimensions, science would claim there would be nothing left—this would be its definition of nothing. But as we can see, the ‘ocean’ (sea of consciousness) is the only thing that is real; all creations are simply modulations of it—simply representations (the wave/frequency patterns) and if given a causative role, as science does, one is dealing with illusions.

Reference: Book, The Emerging New Science, and .


Buttler’s Paradox – Revised

Spiritologie Basic Theory:

All—and I really mean precisely what I am saying here, all– that you perceive and experience is exactly what you, out of yourself and through your own causal thinking, are creating – actually right now!…”

This could be read as 100% solipsism by the way. Solipsism (sɒlɪpsɪzəm; from Latin solus, meaning ‘alone’, and ipse, meaning ‘self’) is the philosophical idea that only one’s mind is sure to exist.(Wikipedia)

Or – as most spiritologists believed – it is a standard edition of the philosophy of idealism which is the philosophical view that states that our reality is shaped by our thoughts and ideas.

Buttler’s reasoning when applying the principle above to himself at a time he was in poor shape, quoted from his letter, goes as follows:

“When one has complete control over considerations and thought patterns (with the appropriate cognitions, awareness levels and rundown completions) and yet circumstances occur in life that completely contradict one’s own creation… the only choice left is to question the basic theory on which the Spiritologie is built!”

Based on this fallacious logic he cancelled and generally disowned all of Spiritologie

The Logical Argument

Premise 1: All—and I really mean precisely what I am saying here, all– that you perceive and experience is exactly what you, out of yourself and through your own causal thinking, are creating – actually right now!…”

Premise 2:  “When one has complete control over considerations and thought patterns (with the appropriate cognitions, awareness levels and rundown completions)

Premise 3: and yet circumstances occur in life that completely contradict one’s own creation

False Conclusion: … the only choice left is to question the basic theory on which the Spiritologie is built!” (Premise 1)

Correct Conclusion: Either Premise 1 or premise 2  is false, assuming that premise 3 is true. And the more likely one is that premise 2 is false as it is based on the assumption – contrary to evidence -that the founder of Spiritologie’s application of the techniques was perfect and complete.

The paradox

I experience circumstances occurring in my life that completely contradict the Principle of Spiritologie which tell me that the Principle of Spiritologie is untrue, this is because I thought that the experience right now in my life contradicts the Principle of Spiritologie. Thus the Principle of Spiritologie is true.

With love,

De Nada

revised Aug 2019 to add the syllogism and rephrase the paradox – see also:

Peculiarity of the basic tenet of Spiritologie

In the course of this article I will describe a hitherto unsuspected aspect of the fundamental tenet of Spiritologie.

Andreas Buttler, the founder of Spiritologie said in his written statement which was published in January 2014.

“Anyone who has been extensively involved with Spiritologie knows the foundations, on which it is built. These fundamentals define why we do sessions why we look for considerations and why we want to gradually improve and perfect our thinking.

The most important foundation pillar can be found in the chapter “The Spiritual Being”:

All—and I really mean precisely what I am saying here, all– that you perceive and experience is exactly what you, out of yourself and through your own causal thinking, are creating – actually right now!…”

What was worrying me was the fact that in the last two years I experienced different things, which contradicted the foundations as shown in the above statements; which meant that I did after all find exceptions to these basic statements….etc

Andreas then goes on and finally states:

“Since I can no longer with a clear conscience – from current view and state of knowledge represent the basic statements of the book as “demonstrably and without exception” true, I renounce my declarations in support of the fundamentals described in my book Spiritologie” and in various lectures!”

This ground pillar of Spiritologie is an interesting statement from a logical point of view. Read the statement in italics above again. First he believed it was true and now he says and believes it is false.

Logic 1: Andreas thinks the fundamental is false that means that Andreas experiences the statement as false and that this experience is not caused by his thinking right now.

Logic 2: By his causative thinking that the statement is false, he will experience that the statement is false. Thus the statement is true.

Do you follow?

Self reference Ouberos

If anyone for that matter thinks the fundamental tenet – the statement – is not true, they will experience exactly that. This confirms the statement.

So now we can all see this and recognize that the fundamental tenet of Spiritologie as stated by Andreas Buttler is and was a self-referential statement. So here we have the paradox all nicely laid out and we can stop worrying about it.

I have no doubt that Andreas was not aware of the full implications as we have sketched above. Once he does see that it may be a relief also for him

de Nada, 2014 March 13

*See here about Self-reference

Quantity & Quality – in a relationship

Identical-Particlesand the consequences of their marriage for society

Going down into the microcosm of sub-atomic particles we find that one electron is just like another electron and no individuality is apparent. This means that the electrons are pure quantities that have no differential quality. Even molecules of a particular variety, unlike humans, cannot be distinguished from one another.
What could differentiate one electron from another is position in space. But as the quantum physicists have found out even the precise location cannot be found without losing momentum. It can be estimated and assigned a certain probability. This means that we have to have a group of electrons – to even calculate a probability – before one can find one. This could lead one to question if electrons even exist as individuals.

Quantity increase we know does not mean that the quality increases proportionally; higher mortgage payments do not automatically increase the quality of your real estate. Nor does it mean decrease in quality. So what is the relationship between these two similar sounding words? Total quantity with no quality is impossible, I will show later. Total quality with no quantities involved would be the quality of one single whole.

For our purposes we define quality as the essential character or the intrinsic, indispensable properties that serve to identify something. One could say quality is what makes something to what it is. Thus quality creates identity.

The word identity derives from Late Latin identitās, from Latin idem the same. Any number multiplied by one is that number, as one is the identity for multiplication. Identity can be represented by the number one.

That one cannot conceive of any quantity without quality can be proven mathematically. We take the number two, we see it is an abstraction, so we say two what? Okay.

Let’ say two cars. Now we have something to count and we cannot deny that these two are different cars and that both of them have some quality. However both are cars and as such they are identical, because counting them we only take their car-ness into account. From this, one can easily see that two or more cars can only be counted as such by virtue of the fact of the oneness of car-ness. A car as a concept is a whole, a unit and to count we need the concept not the individual qualities of those cars.

2 cars

Two divided by two is one. All numbers are divisible by themselves and yield one, thus our reasoning completely proves that quantity cannot exist without a quality based on oneness. And that is why quantity and quality are forever married and quality has priority.

Quality or Essence can easily be proven –as per the above –to be primordial. So why does orthodox science and our monetized society insist on measuring everything before they can consider it real or valuable?

Caspar de Nada

The scientific method

In this article I will argue that it is urgently necessary to discard the phrase in the title. When we speak of the scientific method in this day and age, we mean the following:

The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge and obtaining the necessary permissions and financial support for the whole setup. To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.

The first italicized part of the above definition is usually omitted, but is the actual context of modern scientific inquiry. This means that to evaluate scientific results means that the policies of sources of university funding, corporate funding, government funding as well as specific research project funding have to be taken into account.

Another even more important aspect becomes visible once we examine the key concepts which are the empirical and the measurable. In other words objective. If empirical and measurable are defined within the context of the human senses and the conceived three dimensional reality, science could never advance beyond these artificial limits.

Since the emergence of quantum physics we know that the results of ‘empirical’ observation and experimentation can only be interpreted in the context of the observer, which introduces a certain subjectivity. It has even become scientifically questionable to assume the very existence of an objective universe.

A generalization of the scientific method therefore would have to include evidence in a broader category. Consciousness for example is something that cannot be proven to exist in the former scientific sense. This is based on the fact that consciousness itself is part of the proof.

Let us assume the following definition of science:”Science is the consideration and action of forming conceptual systems of comprehension of different aspects of reality. Sciences are systematic conceptualizations.”

Taking off from this definition of science any reality could be the subject of scientific inquiry. Therefore I propose to include anything that can be experienced as reality to be a valid domain of inquiry and therefore evidence that can be experienced and shared should be taken into account.

So let us stop using the extremely provincial phrase, “The Scientific Method” realizing it is just A scientific method and instead opt for many scientific methods. This would do more justice to the very definition of science itself which means – etymologically- just knowing.

Therefore what is known as official science can now officially be suspected of being, slanted by the context of financial interests as well as the self-imposed limitation of only accepting evidence from a viewpoint that does not even include consciousness itself.

As has been said many times ‘Context is the key’.

Creation from Nothing?

Creation from nothing is not an oxymoron. Creation from nothing is inherent in the very nature of creation. But what exactly is nothing? Creation is an action designed to prove that some thing exists which did not exist before. Thus creation in this sense implies a time stream. If there is time then creation does not take place against a completely zero background. Still there was a relative zero, a no thing.

Remember what you read about quantum physics? Waves of probability that do not exist except in the calculations. Thus we could say—amongst us non-mathematicians—that there was nothing.

Creation from nothing, starts to make sense if we take into account the nature of the ‘no thing’. A thing is a contained entity, it has definition and identity and it stands out. The whole concept becomes clear at once when we adopt the following definition of creation:

Creation is the act of selecting and pressing the right keys on the infinite probability keyboard to produce the desired tune–the THING.

You may have to read up on Quantum Physics to appreciate this view. One could put it differently and still get the same result if one defines creation as the act of composing. In this case the tones of many octaves are available, it is then the act of selecting these in a certain pattern that creates the something, the concerto or whatever it will be. Even a cacaphony is something.

And there again we showed that creation from nothing, is not unreasonable after all. In closing I express the utmost respect and gratitude for those men and women who gave us the alphabeth, which allowed me to freely choose the letters and letter combinations I needed to express my thoughts and create this brief article.

by Multi Genius

Multi Genius is the pseudonym of Caspar de Nada-which incidentally means from nothing-who eclects and lives on the works of other members of our species generally giving them all full credit while adding his own flavors.

© Multi Genius Technologies, Un-Ltd 2014

Universal Declaration of God

If God exists he or it would have to be having some connection or be part of all of us. In other words omnipresent. Therefore it must be possible to find at least some common denominators in the way we individually experience God and the God Connection.

And so it must be possible to formulate a UNIVERSAL DECLARATION of GOD, a Definition we can all agree with.

I think that would be an interesting objective for the God Connection Congress in May 2013!

de Nada