Spiritologie Basic Theory:
All—and I really mean precisely what I am saying here, all– that you perceive and experience is exactly what you, out of yourself and through your own causal thinking, are creating – actually right now!…”
This could be read as 100% solipsism by the way. Solipsism (sɒlɪpsɪzəm; from Latin solus, meaning ‘alone’, and ipse, meaning ‘self’) is the philosophical idea that only one’s mind is sure to exist.(Wikipedia)
Or – as most spiritologists believed – it is a standard edition of the philosophy of idealism which is the philosophical view that states that our reality is shaped by our thoughts and ideas.
Buttler’s reasoning when applying the principle above to himself at a time he was in poor shape, quoted from his letter, goes as follows:
“When one has complete control over considerations and thought patterns (with the appropriate cognitions, awareness levels and rundown completions) and yet circumstances occur in life that completely contradict one’s own creation… the only choice left is to question the basic theory on which the Spiritologie is built!”
Based on this fallacious logic he cancelled and generally disowned all of Spiritologie
The Logical Argument
Premise 1: All—and I really mean precisely what I am saying here, all– that you perceive and experience is exactly what you, out of yourself and through your own causal thinking, are creating – actually right now!…”
Premise 2: “When one has complete control over considerations and thought patterns (with the appropriate cognitions, awareness levels and rundown completions)
Premise 3: and yet circumstances occur in life that completely contradict one’s own creation
False Conclusion: … the only choice left is to question the basic theory on which the Spiritologie is built!” (Premise 1)
Correct Conclusion: Either Premise 1 or premise 2 is false, assuming that premise 3 is true. And the more likely one is that premise 2 is false as it is based on the assumption – contrary to evidence -that the founder of Spiritologie’s application of the techniques was perfect and complete.
The paradox
I experience circumstances occurring in my life that completely contradict the Principle of Spiritologie which tell me that the Principle of Spiritologie is untrue, this is because I thought that the experience right now in my life contradicts the Principle of Spiritologie. Thus the Principle of Spiritologie is true.
With love,
De Nada
revised Aug 2019 to add the syllogism and rephrase the paradox – see also: spiritologie.blogspot.de