Science is the consideration and action of forming conceptual systems of comprehension of different aspects of reality. Sciences are systematic conceptualizations. If we manage to put together such a framework for the vastness of what can be grouped under the heading of spirituality, we have a science.
A scientific dream project would be the following (rough sketch only)
- Collect all data ever written or spoken or demonstrated on the subject of consciousness, the mind and spirit. Certainly including religion and not limited of course to psychology or para-psychology either.
- Categorize these data in various ways and determine the frequencies of the keywords and concepts. List these in order of frequency.
- The first level of categorization would be for example verified facts, theories or models, religious beliefs, anecdotal evidences, descriptions of phenomena, structural data, definitions.
- Then sift out contradictory data, omitted definitions and/or invalid conclusions or investigate further.
- Find the common denominators and list the points on which they all agree.
- Determine which of the theories or which consistent model provides the greatest amount of integration of data and evidence.
- Or find the common denominators, sort out the contradictions and construct a new theory that accommodates all of the facts and observations and unifies all other data collected above.
- Publish the result
NB: A subproject that might even have to preceed the above, would be to develop an ISO type standardized terminology and other standards in the field of consciousness, mind and spirit.
Another science project that ought to be done
Investigate the psychological makeup of scientists in relation to their theories. Find out if there is a correlation between personality characteristics and test scores and the type of theories they support. If the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics is correct there should be. Incidentally the same could be done for politicians, in relation to their politics.