The God Connection

One of our assumptions is that there is some entity we call God. Another assumption is that we read the letters forming this word from left-to-right.  I take the mathematician’s word for it that there is no proof that God does not exist, which incidentally leaves the atheist in a vulnerable position. Even if there is no personal God or a God of the type of which Nietsche declared he is dead, one would be wise to consider the possibility of one. 

Another way to make sure we are on firm ground of logical reasoning, is the concept of an ultimate cause. There are only a very few human beings who do not believe things are caused at all. So by logical reasoning one would have to chase back the causes of the causes and one would have to eventually confront the fact that there is always a thought at the cradle of anything. And if we call that which thinks a spirit and the creator of spirits God we are all set.
Let‘ s start out with some form or concept of Innate Divinity or Cosmic Consciousness and discuss what could be considered under the heading of ‘connection’.
We are talking about individuals who are getting into contact, understand or come to terms with the whole by expanding their awareness to encompass all of existence and not just themselves in the ‘ego’ sense.  By the whole we mean themselves, their families, groups, mankind, other forms of life, the entire physical as well as spiritual univers(es) and who or what is creating all that.
There are a few more mandatory ingredients i.e. omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence. These we cannot do without or we would invalidate the whole concept of supreme being. This is basic math. Add up all spirits and all of their thoughts, powers and local manifestations–and we end up with the super powers that must be present in the creator of that whole. This is what we have termed God.
Ready for ‘connection?
The first obvious one is prayer, direct asking God questions an hopefully receiving answers one way or another. This is not my way and it may not be yours, but here is how an author at one website described it:
The worst thing you can do is to stop talking to God. We can get mad at our creator and even yell and scream at him (I certainly did). God appreciates ANY relationship he has with long as the lines of communication are open. There is no right or wrong!
I have heard God speak to me. Not the way I think he spoke to Moses in the bible with a booming voice or with a burning bush, but rather in a thought which contained an answer to a problem which I had.
Experiment, try different things. Find what suits you best.My point, is that it is easy! It doesn’t have to be hard!”
Next is meditation which may be defined as communion with God. This is often done in a quiet space or out in the woods or some use soft music. There are an endless number of methods and numerous books and data exist on that type of connection.
There are numerous methods of self-inquiry, introspection, reflection aiming to directly or indirectly contact the ultimate powers of the universe. 
Me and many of my friends are familiar with methods we call processing or mirroring to connect with the source of all we perceive and experience.
Some are using what is called channeling to discover the ultimate wisdom and very often the channeled information again points to the forms of connection mentioned above.
During the God Connection Congress, 17 -19 May 2013, the stress will be on what we all have in common, what we can learn from each other.
Can we agree on one definition of God that would satisfy all of us?
Can we agree on what the common denominators of our connections to God are?
Can we learn from each other in the process?
Can we work together for a better world and more happy relationships between all people?
I am very excited at the prospect of experiencing unity and togetherness amidst a great variety of spiritual beings and I am sure we will all be better off having met.
de Nada.

What on Earth is happening?

There are two opposing trends happening in earth affairs, these are:

I.                    Centralization and its opposite
II.                 Decentralization
One could also say individualism or self-determination vs collectivism or other-determination. Currently the centralization trend is dominant and this leads to unbalanced conditions such as ultra-rich vs ultra-poor, wars, injustice, too much power in the hands of too few, politicians and lawyers creating more problems than can easily be solved. Large debts, large collections of tax money in the hands of a few bankers etc.etc. etc.
Examples of the centralization trend:
World attention is being concentrated on money – to live and be free.
Finance which is being centrally controlled by international bankers. (Basel, New York, London, Rome)
Media and  knowledge is under the control of relatively few providers.
Infrastructure and energy provided to individuals by centralized and specialized corporations.
Governance limited to a few rich individuals and representatives and justice under central control by governments.
Examples of the decentralization trend:
World attention is spread on a great variety of subjects beyond money and people are starting to demonstrate the one can live without (central) money and does not have to follow the prescribed trends of fashion etc. More people are stressing spiritual values.
Financing is beginning to be provided by alternatives to centralized money, regional currencies, electronic substitutes such as bit coin etc.
Media and knowledge is spread about rapidly and freely or cheaply through the free internet.
New energy (free energy) solutions are emerging, empowering individuals and groups.
Representative democracy is being recognized as in need of replacement by consensus and direct democracy and less government.
There are four subjects or areas that are seriously affected by the unbalance in these trends:
1.      Knowledge: Education, Science, Spirituality and Health.
2.      Energy: Money, Economics, Environment incl Electricity, Water, Housing.
3.      Communications:  Media, Relations, Arts.
4.      Control: Governance, Justice and Freedom.
More about that later…
Solution for more balance: Join the  Freedom Force International.
de Nada

Meditation Etymology

I was never happy with the derivation or etymology as it is called of the word meditation. The dictionaries usually say it is from Latin meditatio, a thinking over.

I studied it out some more and worked out a different derivation as follows:

medi-tare: from ‘medi’ – Latin locative of medius=middle
(similar to medi-terranean, which means from the Middle Land)

So meditate means: “Seeking or finding the middle, midpoint or center”.

In other words locating the still center, (static source) of things, or communion with God if you wish. This makes a lot more sense to me.

And what is more this word can now be properly aligned with other activities that have a similar purpose.

de Nada


“Religion is religion only when it unites, religion is no more religion when it divides, religion is not for dividing people, it’s for uniting  people.”   
                         Speech By S. N. Goenka inU.N. Peace Summit,  year 2000
If the word religion (Lat. re-ligarestands for ways to connect again to God and there is one God. Then they could not do anything else but unite people!
Thus we can evaluate religions!
de Nada 

Types of Knowledge

There may be several types of knowledge, but there are only two important ones.

What is given out under the heading of science or given out by schoolteachers or in textbooks is generally considered knowledge.

What comes out of books such as the bible or out of ‘channelers’ or mediums is another matter. Some call this beliefs, speculation or nonsense, depending on the point of view of the speakers.

When you wake up in the morning, remembering your dream, you know something as well. In other words knowledge does not equal knowledge.

We can distinguish knowledge derived from what you can see or hear from knowledge of for example what you remember or know from previous lifetimes or of things you feel that you just ‘know’.

Scientists usually disregard or categorically exclude the latter from the realm of knowledge and classify it as fantasy or worse.

However if we distinguish mind from matter and the spirit from the flesh, it well behooves us to distinguish sense knowledge from inner knowledge!

Therefore there are two main types of knowledge:
1) Knowledge derived from the senses, observation, experimentation.
2) Knowledge from within, intuition, revelation, (divine) inspiration.

Thus we can say there is inner knowledge and outer knowledge. The main error and problem of many scientists has been not to balance these two types of knowledge.

The great philosopher of all times said:
“All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.”     Immanuel Kant

He was wrong!

de Nada

MGT Concepts

MGT can stand for many things. Such as

Many Genuine Truths
Multi Genius Technologies
Merciful God Thanks etc.

Currently it is the abbreviation for Multi Genius Transformation. The idea is based on the following quote:

There is not one genius who has it all, but cleverly arranging many genial notes would produce quite a symphony.

                                                                     George Amicalis, 1949

Many times in my life I have been convinced that I had found the final bit of truth that explained it all, only to soon after discover another genius who was even smarter.

So my project is to help symphonize the work of all the great genius of the world and so transform and create a better world!

De Nada


Universal Declaration of God

To: UNSG Ban Ki-moon


We the assembled at the God Connection Congress from 17 -19 May 2013 at Bigera Haus, in Central Germany, considering our religiously and otherwise divided (man)kind, conceived of the possibility that a common acceptable definition of God could play a role in unifying man and creating peace on Earth.

The words

Words are understood as mere pointers. The following is an attempt to define God (or equivalent terms) such as the Creator, the Ultimate Cause, the prime mover unmoved, or what is behind the Big Bang.

Note: The theist and the atheist may be looked at as complementary as both share the problem of defining what God is or what God is not. The agnostic is merely refraining from defining God without excluding the future possibility of doing so.

Universal Definition

The individually considered or appreciated concept and/or experience of that which is the potential of containing and causing an infinity of different ideas and creations which encompass the entire universe or universes.

Multiple Choice Definition

  • The supreme being characterized by transcendence, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence (permeation) and infinity, beyond judgment or logic.
  • The one that is all and extends to infinity-the unending flow of nature.
  • That which is behind all motion.
  • God is that which connects us all or is the substance we are made of.
  • Consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.
  • The creative potential and power we all share and acknowledge in varying degrees.
  • The ultimate of (higher) self-determination.
  • The zero or nothingness against which background everything manifests.
  • The top level of a holographic fractal universe.
  • Who you actually are with infinite potential.

Self-defining God

Ask yourself: “What isn’t God?”

Imagine God as something or someone that connects us all………    We are the world’ ♫
Imagine all the people living life in peace, sharing all the world and living as one.