There are two opposing trends happening in earth affairs, these are:
I. Centralization and its opposite
II. Decentralization.
One could also say individualism or self-determination vs collectivism or other-determination. Currently the centralization trend is dominant and this leads to unbalanced conditions such as ultra-rich vs ultra-poor, wars, injustice, too much power in the hands of too few, politicians and lawyers creating more problems than can easily be solved. Large debts, large collections of tax money in the hands of a few bankers etc.etc. etc.
Examples of the centralization trend:
World attention is being concentrated on money – to live and be free.
Finance which is being centrally controlled by international bankers. (Basel, New York, London, Rome)
Media and knowledge is under the control of relatively few providers.
Infrastructure and energy provided to individuals by centralized and specialized corporations.
Governance limited to a few rich individuals and representatives and justice under central control by governments.
Examples of the decentralization trend:
World attention is spread on a great variety of subjects beyond money and people are starting to demonstrate the one can live without (central) money and does not have to follow the prescribed trends of fashion etc. More people are stressing spiritual values.
Financing is beginning to be provided by alternatives to centralized money, regional currencies, electronic substitutes such as bit coin etc.
Media and knowledge is spread about rapidly and freely or cheaply through the free internet.
New energy (free energy) solutions are emerging, empowering individuals and groups.
Representative democracy is being recognized as in need of replacement by consensus and direct democracy and less government.
There are four subjects or areas that are seriously affected by the unbalance in these trends:
1. Knowledge: Education, Science, Spirituality and Health.
2. Energy: Money, Economics, Environment incl Electricity, Water, Housing.
3. Communications: Media, Relations, Arts.
4. Control: Governance, Justice and Freedom.
More about that later…
Solution for more balance: Join the Freedom Force International.
de Nada