UBUNTU Contributionism Academy. Why?

Both the MGT Institute and UBUNTU Contributionism are all about consciousness. If the level of consciousness were such that men are aware of their mutual dependence and intricate relationships, we would have had an Ubuntu society already long ago.

First of all, the MGT Institute provides Consciousness Technology. We offer the UBUNTU Contributionism Academy as a meeting point and a calm and pleasant atmosphere to study.

From our studies in consciousness and noetics we learnt two things:

Understanding precedes action

The Ubuntu Contributionism Academy is founded on that principle. Part of the idea is just carefully analyzing and viewing information first to make better, more accurate decisions.

But information is relayed through language and understandings are transmitted through words and phrases. Thus a single misunderstood word or phrase can potentially throw one off track. A vague grasp of an idea or concept can often be traced to a lack of precise definitions, as Michael Tellinger pointed out in the textbook of Ubuntu Contributionism.

We have specialized techniques of clearing up definitions of terms to avoid falling into these pitfalls. Many people never learned to study in school or on the contrary were convinced they couldn’t .

Full understanding however can be achieved.

We also  learnt the importance of :

Balancing theory and practice

Once one has grasped the theory clearly the way is free for the action stage. Thus we integrate a degree of practice in our courses that ensures the correct balance. There are even different levels of practice the first level consists of exercises, this is also advised in the Ubuntu Contributionism textbook.

The next level of practice is no longer a matter of things that can be done in an Academy. For this level we offer Local Project Facilitation.

This begins with a full workout and planning for the local scene, community, village etc. We apply the small-step-progression principle and we are there to coach the implementation of the planning steps along the way. When a ‘stop’ or what appears to be a huge barrier or problem occurs we are there to assist overcoming it.

Caspar de Nada-von Bigera




Imagination must be present…

Imagination is the powerful ability of the human mind to envision a different state or condition from what is already manifested.

Imagination must be present in order to create
 a different state of existence than the one
currently being experienced.

For a different state to manifest in the physical world it must first exist in the mind. If the imagination is stifled or destroyed (total mind control) any positive change to our state of existence becomes completely impossible.

The existing scene on earth is one of mankind struggling with itself, with poor organization, science and technology, earthquakes, organized exploitation (slavery), suppression, criminality and wars.

to create a better scene, let’s imagine A FREE SPACE

We need a free space to be free, we need free beings
to create and maintain a free space.

A FREE SPACE (click for pdf)


by Caspar de Nada von Bigera, Ph. E.

In a free space there are no borders fixed
there is plenty of space for every individual to have
her own royaume and be the principal royal.

An individual in free space is fully entitled to
create or imagine anything and everything
and be, do and have abundantly.

In free space the truth is not withheld.
There are no arbitrary controls and
there is no coercion in free space

There is no domination in free space.
Free space can be orderly, without legalities, or taxation,
it being under auspices of free and responsible beings.

Free and responsible beings, follow their own purposes
and decide by and for themselves whether to enter
or leave a game or agreement or not.

One is free to move in free space.
All live there on the basis of understanding
with free will to play with cause and effect.

Inhabitants are aware of each other,
envisioning possible contributions to others.
deciding what to do on their own and in communities

There is no scarcity in free space
individuals and/or communities are free to provide
free water, food, energy, holistic cures, shelter and knowledge

Education is the exploration
of innate creative potentials, encouraging discovery,
acquiring and developing knowledge and skills

Free space will stay free as long as
those who live in free space keep it free
and are free to leave others free.

‘The price of freedom is responsibility and eternal vigilance’.
Thomas Jefferson & Elbert Hubbard


If on the 13th of September the dollar would collapse, even then it is not too late to realize that money is created by people and that the real value lies with the people.

Most people are educated to believe that money is needed for a society to function–the contrary is true.

Money, as well as economy, is an idea based on the assumption of scarcity coupled with the inability to see the abundance all around us.

Money is the invented trick by rulers and banksters (royals and co) to divide people in competing factions of haves and not-haves. Those who have an abundance and those who suffer scarcity.

People live together naturally in a cooperative way and love to contribute in the absence of arbitrary laws designed by those aspiring to govern over their fellow men.

People’s contributions and creative actions are the real value and people can have anything they want.

Stay calm and remember this when the financial systems crash and leave the panic to the banksters! Ubuntu!

Solutions Exist, Some Examples

Problem Possible Solution
Money Info Money, Contributionism, love and care (Ubuntu)
Pollution High Tech cleanup
Government Responsibility
Proprietary Cars OSCAR ( http://www.theoscarproject.org/)
Slavery Freedom
Politicians Volunteers
Nuclear Energy Free Energy (PES Wiki, Lindemann)
Monsanto BiOS, Biological Open Source Tech – cambia.org
Mind control Re-processing belief systems
Banksters Transparency – public in- and oversight of IMF, Basel
Democracy Minorities also rule
Disease End the medical monopoly – Open source health tech
Hunger Grow food everywhere
Water shortage Sea water, Implement water purification tech
Poverty Unconditional Basic Income
Climate change Develop harmonious technologies
Hidden technology Full disclosure project
Corporations Leaders held fully responsible as individuals
Police / Military Individual members fully responsible for their actions
Shareholders Held fully responsible for their shares
Patents IP Open source
Secret government Transparent government
Terrocracy Fearless communication
Costly electricity Free electricity out of magnetic energy
Contact MGT Institute for Consciousness and ask about
the new state of the art MATRIX RESOLUTIONS COURSE

Understanding Law

Certain people are above the law,
some are behind the law,
others understand ( interpret) the law but
most stand under the law.

The four castes are:
1) the most powerful,
2) the ‘illuminated’ ones,
3) the lawyers and politicians
4) the people.

The philosophy of law is based on the premise that
the first three categories are trustworthy
and the largest category, the people cannot be trusted.

Proof is for example the Basic Law in Germany.
Article one, first paragraph:
1 ) Human dignity is inviolable . To respect and protect it is the duty of all state authority.

Most of the articles that follow deny the dignity of man
in varying degrees by subjecting man to arbitrary rules
instead of following sound principles.

There is nothing wrong

There is nothing wrong with democracy lacking the majority rule
There is nothing wrong with policing-and spying on-officials
There is nothing wrong with medals and amnesties for all whistle blowers
There is nothing wrong with collectivism taking care of the individual

There is nothing wrong with corporations having no rights
There is nothing wrong with presidents being personally accountable
There is nothing wrong with interest rates at  zero minus
There is nothing wrong with bankers forgiving

There is nothing wrong with shareholders being responsible for their shares
There is nothing wrong with politicians being responsible for their policies
There is nothing wrong with judges being responsible for their sentences
There is nothing wrong with parents responsible for their children

There is nothing wrong with doctors on no cure, no pay
There is nothing wrong with soldiers making up their own minds
There is nothing wrong with school children learning to strike
There is nothing wrong with people curing other people

There is nothing wrong with soldiers held responsible for their carnagey
There is nothing wrong with sergeants held responsible for their carnagey
There is nothing wrong with lieutenants held responsible for their carnagey
There is nothing wrong with generals held responsible for their carnagey

There is nothing wrong with water, energy, food and shelter free for everyone
There is nothing wrong with voluntary contribution by everyone
There is nothing wrong with no money at all
There is nothing wrong with a unconditional basic income…………
except then it is no longer needed

There is nothing wrong with responding, responsible people
There is nothing wrong with love and caring

What is wrong is not taking or assigning responsibility
for what’s supposed to be wrong

de Nada

The questionable wisdom of not receiving communication

Ethics: “do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it”

The above ethical principle originated in Scientology and was penned down as part of a writing called ‘The code of honor’ by L. Ron Hubbard. It was accepted without question by many of Hubbard’s followers.

It formed the basis of the practice of disconnection that the Church of Scientology is practicing consistently as soon as one of their kind deviates from the norm.

Apart from upset families, it has also resulted in many people within the perimeter of that church, never finding out that almost the same technology was delivered by other people outside of the control of the church and more efficiently at that.

Man is very much dependent on what the othermembers of mankind are doing and thinking. One cannot in fact disconnect from mankind, nor from the Earth.

Everyone should have the right to agree or disagree with anything communicated but to restrict communication to what is desirable is tantamount to cutting oneself off from the real world. Much of what could turn out to be vital information comes in uninvited.

One most likely does not desire to be presented with information or ideas that go against one’s belief system. Even more likely one does not desire to be offended, maligned or worse, yet receiving such communications may be of crucial importance to maintain awareness of what is going on around one.

The rule given above in fact amounts to installing communication blocks and the least that can be said about it is, that it is unworkable.

I definitely do not desire to hear about another restrictive law or tax raise yet it may save me endless troubles if I am informed beforehand.

Another example is when one does not desire to receive communication regarding sexual abuse. It may be just be that one finds out a little late that a convicted sex offender was living just on the other side of the street. A much more workable precept would be:

“Stay in communication with the world around you but do not automatically accept or agree with what was said, written or shown”.

De Nada

Meditation Etymology

I was never happy with the derivation or etymology as it is called of the word meditation. The dictionaries usually say it is from Latin meditatio, a thinking over.

I studied it out some more and worked out a different derivation as follows:

medi-tare: from ‘medi’ – Latin locative of medius=middle
(similar to medi-terranean, which means from the Middle Land)

So meditate means: “Seeking or finding the middle, midpoint or center”.

In other words locating the still center, (static source) of things, or communion with God if you wish. This makes a lot more sense to me.

And what is more this word can now be properly aligned with other activities that have a similar purpose.

de Nada

MGT Concepts

MGT can stand for many things. Such as

Many Genuine Truths
Multi Genius Technologies
Merciful God Thanks etc.

Currently it is the abbreviation for Multi Genius Transformation. The idea is based on the following quote:

There is not one genius who has it all, but cleverly arranging many genial notes would produce quite a symphony.

                                                                     George Amicalis, 1949

Many times in my life I have been convinced that I had found the final bit of truth that explained it all, only to soon after discover another genius who was even smarter.

So my project is to help symphonize the work of all the great genius of the world and so transform and create a better world!

De Nada